Seragam Baru Tentara Rusia

Menteri pertahanan Rusia baru-baru merilis seragam baru untuk AB Rusia. Seragam baru ini diresmikan langsung oleh presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin. Seragam yang dirancang Valentin Yudashkin ini resmi menjadi seragam Angkatan Bersenjata Russia.

Yang menarik untuk gue, kata-kata menteri pertahanannya yang bilang Rusia butuh seragam yang lebih trendy. Atau komentar presidennya yang bilang “The garments are chic, light, elegant, and very Russian

Tujuan dari seragam baru ini, selain untuk memodernisasi, juga untuk menarik minat kalangan muda terhadap kemiliteran.

Komplitnya nanti aja ye.. Belon sempet, cuma pengen upload aja biar liat yg seger-seger. <g>

Isakov described in detail virtually every new variant of the uniform. Yudashkin and Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov gave explanations when needed.

Putin asked questions about specific aspects of the new uniform and was interested to know about methods of its production. Viewing samples of the new uniform, Putin has not told journalists about his assessment. However, according to Isakov, Putin approved of the proposed new uniform.

The current Russian military uniform was adopted under the presidential decrees of May 23, 1994. The uniform was meant for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other services, foreign intelligence service, counterintelligence, as well as the Federal Guard Service and the presidential Security Service. The new sets of military uniforms, equipment and insignia include the dress, semi-dress, routine, field and working forms for the summer and winter service. In contrast to the one-tone Soviet samples, many kinds of the new Russian military uniforms are camouflage-painted. The red star gave way to the two-headed eagle.

Sumber: First Channel

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