Samsung I600 GPRS dan MMS Setting

Buat yang perlu settings GPRS/MMS Samsung I600 secara manual. 🙂

Telkomsel – kartuHALO, simPATI, kartuAs

Manual Configuration of GPRS
Start these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset

  1. Go to `Start` icon and select `Settings`
  2. Select `More` and then choose `Connections`
  3. Select `Menu` to `Edit Connections`
  4. Select `Proxy Connections` and
  5. Select `Menu` and choose `Add`
  6. Enter the fills as follow:
    1. Description : TSEL-GPRS
    2. Connects from : The Internet
    3. Connects to : WAP Network
    4. Proxy (name: port) :
    5. Type : WAP
    6. User name : (blank)
    7. Password : (blank)
    8. Select `Done` to save the settings
  7. Return back to the `Connections` menu and select `GPRS Connections`
  8. Select `Menu` and Choose `Add`
  9. Enter the fills as follow :
    1. Description : TSEL-GPRS
    2. Connects to : The Internet
    3. Access point : telkomsel
    4. User name : wap
    5. Password : wap123
    6. Primary DNS : (blank)
    7. Secondary DNS : (blank)
    8. IP address : (blank)
    9. Select `Done`
  10. GPRS configuration completed

Automatic Activation  Configuration of GPRS
Start these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset

  • Go to `Start` icon and select `Settings`
  • Select `More` and then choose `Operator`
  • Select the fills as follow : Telkomsel

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