Eid Mubarak Greeting Card (Kartu Lebaran)

For most of Indonesian citizens, sending a kartu lebaran (Eid Cards/Eid Greetings Cards) for Lebaran or Eid Mubarak and forgiven each others that is a tradion in accordance to the celebration of Id.

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Id Mubarok greting passing both directly visiting among the family, friends or relation, that is also by sending an Eid Mubarak greeting cards or kartu lebaran, sms, email or messenger.

The last ten years development of telecommunication system and internet in Indonesia, it makes a tradional card that usualy sent by post changes by digital eid greeting card by internet, mms, messenger or sort message system.

Sorry to said that, when a million of traditional Eid greetings cards that in the past usually sending every Id, it never changes by the availability of digital message send by sms/mms or messenger.

The above situation makes some blogger or internet community initiate to take action by make a creation to preparing digital Eid greetings card on their pages. Even that, the digital greeting card available still limited compared with a traditional greeting card that available at many shops.

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If you are creative, has a capability to make a creation or even do business. Why not you try to make a digital Eid greetings card? Maybe there are so many people will taking an interest on your digital greeting cards design, and you will sell it.

By occasion, two weeks befor Id year 2009, I’ve tried to make a several digital Eid greetings cards design for free download on my blog. That is surprise the visitor to my greeting card page in the sort time is more than 40,000 visitor within two weeks time!!

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If a greeting cards made by added some pictures from the internet and simple photoshops effects able to have 40,000 visitor, how about the more sophisticated greeting cards with more good designed and more attractive??

If you are interest to make it, the following is a words that normally put in the Id Mubarok greeting card.

  • Selamat Hari Lebaran
  • Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
  • Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri – Mohon Ma’af Lahir dan Batin

Click here to see my kartu lebaran example..



p.s. Terima kasih untuk komentar-komentarnya..
Monggo silahkan dimanfaatkan. Mohon ma’af jika tidak bisa membalas komentar-nya satu-persatu.




  1. Terima kasih untuk komentar-komentarnya..
    Monggo silahkan dimanfaatkan. Mohon ma’af jika tidak bisa membalas komentar-nya satu-persatu.

  2. mas irwan, mohon download bbrp utk pribadi. Subhannallah, semua bagus2.
    semoga kreasi nya menjadi pahala dibulan ramadhan.

  3. Dear Pak Irwan,

    Mohon izin ya Pak untuk mengunduh E Card dengan gambar Masjid.

    Terima kasih banyak

  4. Mas Irwan…mohon izin mengunduh kartu lebarannya dan akan sy kirim kepada rekan2…terima kasih banyak…..:) Semoga Allah SWT membalas kebaikan Mas Irwan….:)

  5. mas irwan…………mohon izin mendownload ya…….selamat idul fitri,mohon maaf lahir & bathin

  6. Ass.wr.wb…mas irwan, mohon izin untuk download screen saver nya…mudah2an jadi amal ibadah yang berguna bagi mas Irwan…terima kasih

  7. Assalammualaikum Pak Irwan.. mohon izin untuk men-download, ya Pak.. Semoga diberikan balasan terhadap amal baik bapak. Terima kasih.. Wassalam..

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